Monday, March 22, 2010

America - In Service to its People

I've been thinking about the passing of the Health Care Bill yesterday. My first thoughts, of course, was of those in our very large family, from my own children and grandchildren to all of my nieces and nephews down to my great, great nephews and nieces, that are or could be unlucky enough to be without health care for short or long periods in their lives. Now, America stands behind you, covering your back. A weight is lifted. Worry is lessened. I sincerely hope everyone of you live a long and happy life. Perhaps what Congress and President Obama has done in regard to health care yesterday will lighten your load through those rough spots along the way.

When America does something great and good, my thoughts invariably go back to those 20 years I spent in the Navy. There are a number of reasons I spent 20 years in it, but top among them is love for my country. And, when America does something good for its people, then the 20 years was worth it. It's on days like yesterday that I have no regrets about giving those years in service. I like the idea of doing something for the people who live here. I always have.

I have nothing to say to those who would deny or vote against the bill that passed or who create fear or who fear government. Neither do I want to hear what you have to say. Get over it. It was done for you, too.


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